Saturday, March 1, 2008

Coffee uh Klash

Today I re-visited one of my old haunts after a 3 year hiatus and remembered why I havent been in a hurry to get back. In days of yore, my morning started with a walk to the local Peet's to get my wake up shot of caffeine and chat with the other early morning regulars. My routine changed when I moved to the City for the last three years and had no reason to go to the burbs for coffee. I mean come on! San Francisco coffee houses are legendary and I had my pick of places to go.

North Beach delivered nostalgia and while in Noe Valley I could drink in my coffee and a bit o' sun. Of course, coffee in the Castro was not only convenient because that's where I lived but coffee places there are always filled with interesting, diverse folk. But I digress. Since I moved back to the burbs four months ago, I have had no desire to pick up my old routine of coffee @ Peets.

I've thought about it but just couldnt be bothered. I have been perfectly content taking in the morning light with the coffee in my French press and my journal as my companions.
Until today. I was out of coffee.
So off to Peet's I went.

I purchased my 1/2 lb. bag of my favorite Garuda blend, got my free cup and congregated outside with the usual suspects. I slipped quite comfortably back into the chatting it up, laughing, and poking friendly at one another. I even impressed myself when I easily re-directed the table topic away from politics. As a conservative Republican (that's right) I just don't feel like dealing with the overly confident and obnoxious Democrats. Besides... it was still early and I hadn't finished my coffee yet.

My intent was to visit and I did but then they started dong what they do and talked about how rich everyone around us was. Yuck. The old anxiety that used to chip at me when I was with these people came back. I really had little to contribute to the conversation when it 'went there'. Typically, I don't spin my wheels in awe of how rich other people are. I really dont care.

I guess whose got what is really an age-old obsession in America. But it bores me. Who wants to talk about how rich other people are? I mean...what's it going to do for me except piss me off? Let people have their fortunes and I am going to try to keep looking at what's on my plate.

I got over the abundance of wealth in the Bay Area a long time ago. I am unaffected really by people with money. People have homes, jobs, and bank accounts worthy of coveting. But hey, I just woke up and havent seen you guys for 3 years? Cant we talk about something else?

Dont get me wrong. Money is important. But I dont want to spend my time talking about how rich other people are.

What the heck is wrong with me?

I dont know.

Lucky I guess.

1 comment:

ny said...

Conservative republican? Were you upset that Melanie Morgan was dropped from KSFO? I enjoy buying Major Dickason's Blend for home use...